Outdoor Shelters at Allscott Meads Primary in Telford

Allscott Meads Primary in Telford needed a set of outdoor canopies to make colourful spaces where its pupils could enjoy themselves in the fresh air all year round.

What did the project involve?

We added three Motiva Linear™ shelters to the grounds at Allscott Meads Primary, which were up to the task of shielding schoolchildren having fun outside in rain, wind or sun with their polycarbonate and steel design. The institution – which has the values ‘We Respect, We Care and We Persevere’ – picked out rainbow roofs with shades of Poppy, Mint, Daffodil, Mandarin and Lagoon Blue to make brilliantly colourful outdoor shelters. Now pupils can play and socialise outside underneath them in all weathers.