Multiple Canopies at Ysgol Gynradd Llanrug in Llanrug

Ysgol Gynradd Llanrug in Llanrug was looking to purchase a set of outdoor shelters to increase the covered space around its facilities. They needed to come in complementary designs.

What did the project involve?

We provided three outdoor canopies for Ysgol Gynradd Llanrug – one with specifications of 16000mm X 3000mm, another measuring 11500mm X 3000mm, and the final one measuring 3800mm X 3420mm. The staff at the institution – a naturally Welsh primary school – chose our Motiva Mono™ for their shelters. This was a great choice because it’s perfect for models located against building elevations, such as covered walkways and play area canopies. There is now plenty of covered space on the site, and the matching designs of Slate Grey steelwork and Clear roofs help it to feel more unified.