Multicoloured Shelters at St Philip’s CE Primary School in Salford

St Philip’s CE Primary School in Salford needed shelters featuring a range of colours to revitalise its outdoor areas and extend the joy of play and learning to its grounds. It was important that the structures could be adapted to the buildings’ specifications.

What did the project involve?

We installed two Motiva Linear™ canopies at St Philip’s CE Primary School – one measuring 14000mm X 4000mm and another measuring 10000mm X 3000mm, which worked perfectly with the current architecture. Rain and wind are no match for this robust straight roof product, so it makes great spaces for playtime, lessons and other activities outside. Plus, the team at this institution – which has a strong Christian ethos and links with their local church – selected multicoloured roofs and Ultramarine Blue steelwork for their outdoor shelters. This lit up the grounds and made them a happier place to be.