Outdoor Play Shelters at Beverley School in Middlesbrough

Beverley School in Middlesbrough needed five canopies to cover its various playing spaces, so the children could experience the outdoors throughout the year. The staff were interested in both shade sails and polycarbonate shelters.

What did the project involve?

We added a trio of Motiva Linear™ canopies to the grounds at Beverley School, which featured fantastic asymmetric multicoloured roofs that could keep out the rain and wind. They were perfect for placing just outside the classrooms for immediate coverage during break times. Also, we installed a pair of Maxima StarSail™ shelters with Victoria Blue roofs that brightened up the school field, and the staff – who endeavour to provide the very best in education – love how the students can now enjoy the fresh air under the play canopies, no matter the weather.