Outdoor Canopy at Laleham Gap School in Ramsgate

Laleham Gap School in Ramsgate, Kent needed a lengthy outdoor shelter to prevent staff and students from being bothered by bad weather when they were spending time outside. The right product would have safety at the forefront of its construction.

What did the project involve?

We created an outdoor shelter for Laleham Gap School using our ever-popular Motiva Linear™ model. With its stylish and sturdy straight roof, it can shield anyone beneath it from sun, wind and rain, so many academic institutions pick this product from our range. What’s more, we built it to specifications of 19000mm X 4000mm to ensure that many people could fit in the new space at the same time. The school prioritises child health and wellbeing, so we also added 10 post protector pads to keep youngsters safe around the canopy while it allowed them to make the most of the fresh air.