Multiple Canopies at Ysgol Gynradd Y Borth in Menai Bridge

Ysgol Gynradd Y Borth in Menai Bridge, Wales was in need of several outdoor shelters to provide some much-needed coverage outdoors across its site.

What did the project involve?

We added five Motiva Linear™ canopies to the grounds at Ysgol Gynradd Y Borth, all in different sizes to suit the various areas they were to be placed in. This was possible due to the product’s ease of customisation and fantastic protective abilities. We supplied the outdoor shelters with matching Opal roofs and Slate Grey steelwork that looked modern and unified at this primary institution serving Menai Bridge, Llansadwrn and Rhoscefnhir. As a result, the facilities outside the school have been vastly improved.