Modern Shade Sail Installed as a part of Stratford-Upon-Avon College Renovation

Stratford-Upon-Avon College in Warwickshire was in need of a modern shelter to provide some outdoor coverage to their newly renovated premises.

What did the project involve?

We manufactured and installed our Maxima Sail™ canopy at Stratford-Upon-Avon College in Warwickshire, the fabric roof canopy was designed with a Porcelain Green fabric roof, steel posts with Squirrel Grey Duracoat™ and with the dimensions of 5000mm X 5000mm. These structures are popular for their modern design and therefore were the perfect piece to compliment the college after they have recently been redeveloped. Now the college, which has courses, apprenticeships, and teaching to cater to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, has a new area for students to enjoy during their break and free time.