Dining Shelter at Hessle High School in Hessle

Hessle High School in Hessle was in need of a dining canopy so it could turn its outdoor seating area into a space where students could eat in rain or shine. It envisioned a stylish, effective model.

What did the project involve?

We added a Motiva Linear™ to Hessle High School with extra side panels to keep out the changeable British weather. This product is a popular choice with schools because its monopitch roof is fantastic at protecting those beneath it from the elements. The staff at this institution – who say it’s important that children leave them as confident young people – picked out colours of Moss Green and Opal for the steelwork and roof, respectively, and they loved how this looked on the dining canopy. The result was that students could always have the option to sit in a new, covered space at lunchtime and eat in the fresh air.