Canopy Transforms School Entrance at Croft Primary School

There is no space more in need of these changes than a tired entrance canopy design. That’s because the entrance is your first chance to tell people how to feel about the space they’re entering. It’s an opportunity to let them know what you stand for.

Project – Entrance canopy at Croft Primary School

Product  – Motiva Duo

Requirement – Small changes can make a big impression. Now, I know that sounds like an easy thing to say, but think about it. That one small piece of furniture you added made the whole room look bigger. Or else changing your glasses, or a new pair of shoes.

Small changes can vastly affect the way we see something.

There is no space more in need of these changes than a tired entrance canopy design. That’s because the entrance is your first chance to tell people how to feel about the space they’re entering. It’s an opportunity to let them know what you stand for.